Practical Financial Guidance and Skills


Master the way you do money—and you’ll change your financial life forever. Sisternomics is built on the idea that you are already a goldmine filled with monetizable ideas and valuable expertise. You never have to live in lack. The missing piece is knowing how to turn your ideas into revenue streams—and my courses and content will help you do just that. 


Sisternomics highlights the money journeys of Black women entrepreneurs in a weekly podcast. Learn how sisters just like you are building the businesses, bank accounts and lifestyles of their dreams.


Learn to overcome the scarcity mindset—and take control of your financial destiny. Sisternomics courses give you practical financial tools and expert guidance to act on your ideas with confidence. They also help demystify everything you need to know about money—and how to change your relationship to it. 


Coming Soon

10 Basic Actions Women Can Take to Get a Handle on Their Finances—and Gain Money Confidence

Check back soon—this course will launch in the new year. 


Start your journey to abundance with the Sisternomics Money Manifesto. It will guide you to clarity on your motives and intentions about money, giving you the key to growing your wealth and abundance on the way to making a lasting impact in the world.

We all have to start somewhere—and the Sisternomics Money Manifesto is your way to start today.